Reader letters

All of the articles in the spring issue of Renaissance were relevant and informative, but what really made my heart smile was the story by Alison LaMantia on long-term care homes. The part that made my heart sing was that the RTOERO Summer Scholar, Amanda Bull, is young and is set on a career in gerontology. With the number of seniors increasing all the time, having young people research and work in careers that specialize in eldercare is a welcome and important story. We need them desperately, especially those of us whose health is compromised. I volunteer at Hospice Services in the City of Kawartha Lakes, and I am always thrilled when young university and college students join us for a work placement. Hopefully, more will specialize in this area.

—June Mewhort (District 28 Region of Durham)

Just writing to say how very much I enjoy your stories every edition of Renaissance. They are always very educational and newsy.

—Rose Dundass (District 8 London, Middlesex)

Thank you for Renaissance magazine! Always so informative and beautifully displayed, with current topics to inform and enjoy!

—Adele M. Archer (District 23 North York)

When I saw the article on wearable technology in the spring issue of Renaissance, I immediately thought of two companies that make quality apparel to enable one to stay active by providing support and pain relief. I am not affiliated with either of these companies — I just think that their products might be what someone is looking for.

I love downhill skiing, and when SI/L4/L5 pain [from the sacroiliac joint and the two lowest vertebrae of the lumbar spine] was starting to interfere with my enjoyment, I decided to check out supportive apparel. I found Stoko, a company that makes high-quality, medical-grade, adjustable supportive tights. I bought the shorts, and my husband bought the K1 Summit full-length tights because of his knee issue. Wow! We love them. A game changer. We’re 71 years old and look forward to many more years racing down the slopes.

Due to a shoulder injury, I also purchased a short-sleeve compression T-shirt from Enerskin. It provides great support and enables me to stay active. It feels like wearing a second skin.

—Sylvia Mitoraj v(District 27 Ottawa-Carleton)