It was indeed a pleasure to read through the winter 2021 issue of Renaissance, as it is with every issue. Your amazing layout and choice of content certainly make for an enjoyable and informative read, from cover to cover. The arrival of Renaissance always calls for an extra coffee (if it’s morning), an extra glass of wine (if it’s afternoon) and a few hours to sit, relax and soak in all the interesting articles and fabulous photos. The variety of topics gives me a chance to smile, dream, envy, become informed, empathize and read about the experiences of friends and colleagues.
—Larry Holseth (District 39 Peel)
I received my winter 2021 issue of Renaissance today. Wow — you did such an amazing job in the format, layout and overall quality of the magazine. You presented my piece so beautifully. Great job, and thanks for this opportunity.
—Morris Tait (District 30 Northumberland)
A huge WOW to those responsible for the upgrade of the design of Renaissance magazine! I love the fresh use of colour, great titles and layouts, and super photography. Just fanning the pages, I think I will be reading many or most of the features. Well done.
—Ron Brownsberger (District 34 York Region)
Congratulations on a very interesting magazine! I’ve had a stroke and thoroughly appreciated the article by Jo-Anne Willment, who has shown a lot of courage. I’m pleased she received encouragement to carry on. She is young enough to have a successful life and overcome many problems from the stroke. I like her attitude and perseverance.
—Eleanor Mackenzie (District 50 Atlantic)
Thank you for your help with my article, “Experience of a lifetime,” in the winter 2021 issue of Renaissance. It was accompanied by such an effective layout. With teachers now receiving their issues, I am overwhelmed by the reconnections that have happened, including an RTOERO member in Kenora and a superintendent from East York who spotted my name and got in touch.
—Lester C. Fretz (District 14 Niagara)
I’m sending my thanks to you and your team for a great winter 2021 issue of Renaissance. As a senior, the exercises will be a great help, especially when combined with some of the superfoods that were highlighted. Great job.
—Paul LeBlanc (District 13 Hamilton-Wentworth, Haldimand)
Your new look blew me away. The magazine is so beautiful! And it’s easy to read, with very inviting content about real people. I picked it up to glance through and ended up reading it all the way through. Way to go!
—Jim McDonald (District 22 Etobicoke and York)
I’ve been enjoying “Spotlight on” at the end of each issue of Renaissance. I did look far and wide through my last few copies to find out how I might participate in a future article but could not find the information I was seeking. Where exactly do you ask your question for the next issue(s)?
—John Borovilos (District 16 City of Toronto)
From the editors: We’re delighted you enjoy “Spotlight on”! We ask the question on our Facebook page (, but not on a specific date. Join our Facebook community and watch for the “Spotlight on” question and join in lots of other lively conversations.
We asked James Franklin McDonald, Patricia Ogura and Allan Britnell to tell us about the one piece of technology they can’t live without.
James Franklin Mcdonald
“My computer is my best buddy. At the crack of dawn, it is ready to do my bidding. Unanswered email messages, unfinished articles and pending letters to the editor await my attention. Google searches sometimes require consideration. My calico cat, Dallas, lying close by, often assists me by tiptoeing over the keys. My computer is a technological marvel.”
—District 22 Etobicoke and York
Patricia Ogura
“I must separate surviving from living where tech is concerned. My mobile is ‘essential’ because I can’t pay rent without it. The tech I never want to live without is pretty traditional: the radio. Intimate, stimulating, resourceful, relevant in any mood and like the best of friends, it’s warm and reliable.”
Allan Britnell
“I could not live without my MacBook laptop. It’s not only the main tool I use for doing my job but also a communications device (email, text and FaceTime), an entertainment centre, the repository for our family photos and so much more.”
We want to hear from you!
We welcome your feedback, so please send your letters to Letters may be edited for length and clarity at the discretion of the editor.
Covid note from editor :
As we go to press, the pandemic is still impacting day-to-day life in many ways. As you know, we plan and produce Renaissance months before it lands in your mailbox or inbox, so some stories and images might not align with current COVID-19 best practices or restrictions (our travel feature, for example). If we still can’t travel this spring, consider our spa story your getaway until we can.
Stay safe,
Stefanie Martin
Editor – in – Chief