We hear you!

by Martha Foster RTOERO Chair

Listening. What a great topic for Renaissance. There are so many aspects to consider, many of which you will explore as you read through this issue.

Listening is important to us at RTOERO. We need to hear from you in order to serve you as you need, and wish, to be served. As board members, we look for your feedback to ensure that we are making decisions that best serve you and the organization. We thank all of you who take time to respond to our surveys; that feedback helps us not only to plan our strategic goals but also to make our day-to-day decisions.

We also receive input from you through information delivered via your districts. Your district sends representatives to a variety of meetings to provide your district’s viewpoint on topics being discussed. The most important opportunity to receive input from districts is at the annual meeting, which is held once a year, and forums, which are held twice a year. Your districts send up to four representatives to these meetings — two are corporate members — who provide your district’s voice on motions affecting the organization. At the forums, all four representatives provide input on many issues being discussed.

I’d like to offer a special thanks to those of you who take the time to communicate through emails and letters about the organization’s impact on you; your feedback helps us understand what you want and what you need from the organization.

All of this information helps to determine RTOERO direction and inform decisions, so please continue to provide your valuable input.

Let’s continue the conversation.

We’re listening!
