Illustration of a woman planning her calendar

Life after retirement

We asked: How do you keep motivated and engaged?
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Illustration by Drew Shannon

Have a hobby. Have friends with whom you enjoy doing activities. Keep your mind and body active. Plan your future. Enjoy life!

Rose Gagne
(District 49 The Prairies)

You can become even busier after retirement than you were when you were working. Learn to sometimes say “no” and take time for things you enjoy.

Beverley Rumble
(District 5 Cochrane, Temiskaming)

Pursue new passions — it’s now or never! Make new friends. Don’t fall into the grandchildren babysitting trap. Your grandchildren are to be enjoyed, not to be raised. The world is now your oyster. Don’t cling to past activities as a security blanket. Purge toxic people from your life. They only drag you down.

Helene Daleman
(District 28 Region of Durham)

Don’t just stand there — do something!

John Harris
(District 7 Windsor-Essex)

You’ve had summers to practise. Get fit. Eat well. Cook. You have all the time in the world to do things.

Eleanor Nesling
(District 47 Vancouver Island)

Get involved in the community within a comfortable limit for yourself, but be sure to get out of your house or own space and mix with others. Engage in hobbies. Spend within your means.

Victoria Leclair
(District 5 Cochrane, Temiskaming)

You’ll soon wonder how you had time for work! Now you can get to all those things you put off until retirement — at your own pace, of course.
Mark Baines
(District 8 London, Middlesex)

I joined four different charities in my retirement and I love them all. It brings me a lot of fulfillment. Socialize. I attend all RTOERO luncheons and breakfasts in my local district. I enjoy hanging out with teachers who are 10, 20 and even 30 years older than me.

Gina Marcon
(District 7 Windsor-Essex)

Plan ahead and don’t be afraid to experience new adventures.

Elaine Lipstein
(District 51 Québec)

I have only been retired for four months! But I think key ingredients for retirement success are keeping physically active, going to regular meetings, having conversations with friends and making plans for the future.

Miriam MacLeod
(District 50 Atlantic)

If your health allows, volunteer at a hospital or find a part-time job. This will help you to balance mentally.

Reza Davoodi
(District 51 Québec)

I took a Walkers’ World tour of the Camino my first September not teaching. That tour changed my life: I met other Ontarians with whom I have since travelled and hiked, and I enjoy their company.

Linda Rankine
(District 31 Wellington)

Be open to new experiences; take up a creative hobby (or two); resurrect former interests such as piano lessons, painting or singing that you were too busy to enjoy when you were working.

Vicki Galbraith
(District 8 London, Middlesex)

Take time to “decompress” and evaluate those things that are important to you. Build your volunteer activities on the things that really matter to you.

Corinne MacDonald
(District 47 Vancouver Island)

Realize what a gift it is to have this time to enjoy.

Johnee Okrainec
(District 49 The Prairies)

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Illustration of a person leaving house for an event
A room of your own
Illustration showcasing a varitey of activities that bring joy

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