Illustration showcasing a varitey of activities that bring joy

A few of your favourite things

We asked: What are your simple pleasures?
print story
print story

Teaching sailing and restoring/building sailboats.
Mark Boon
(District 50 Atlantic)

A hot shower in the morning, a cup of coffee and holding a grandchild.
Phil Little
(District 47 Vancouver Island)

My wife, reading, golf, curling.
Douglas G. Maunder
(District 34 York Region)

Laughing, looking out over the water at the cottage, cuddling a dog.
Elaine Warner-Laxton
(District 48 Leeds and Grenville)

Laughter, being useful, seeing new places.
Mary-Anne Kenney
(District 14 Niagara)

Nature — water in lakes, rivers and the ocean; flowers; birds.
Janice Wasik
(District 42 Mainland British Columbia)

Playing jazz guitar, fishing for bass.
Ralph Le Fevre
(District 13 Hamilton-Wentworth, Haldimand)

Connecting with former students to see where life has taken them, volunteering in a math class to continue connection with helping young people. 
Kathy Mack
(District 50 Atlantic)

Family, health, Corvette.
Ralph Rainford
(District 31 Wellington)

Black coffee — one only, first thing in the morning while it’s quiet and everyone else is still asleep. 
Judith Mulvihill
(District 27 Ottawa-Carleton)

Snuggling with my grandson, walking in the woods.
Simone Serra
(District 15 Halton)

Love, compassion and friendship.
Marie-Paule Landriault
(District 45 EstaRiO)

Read a good book, please the people around me.
Anita Corriveau
(District 44 Franco-Nipissing)

Sitting under a covered deck during a rainfall.
Mildred Gremonprez
(District 41 Elgin)

Travel in Canada, photography, historical research.
Don McQueen
(District 8 London, Middlesex)

A walk in the woods, a full moon, a swim.
Charlene Gramada
(District 13 Hamilton-Wentworth, Haldimand)

Sitting on my dock by the lake, making meals for friends, watching my wife sleep in the morning sun.
Dave Szollosy
(District 34 York Region)

more life
Illustration of a person leaving house for an event
Conceptual illustration of a woman financial planning
Photo of Dave Hunt and team paddling on their Dragon boat

We want to hear from you!

We welcome your feedback and want to hear from you. Letters may be edited for length and clarity at the discretion of the editor.